Sunday, October 12, 2008

The September Twin Event is already over. It was more than a 100 degrees but I'm happy to report we all made it through. Claire and Fable, and Karina and Zara both made the move up to Training Level and put in clean x-c rounds. Karina rode incredibly well and earned a well deserved 4th place while Claire was out of the ribbons this time around. Nikki and her horse Patton joined the THF team for the first time and I'm really looking forward to helping this team move forward. Patton is still a bit unsure about ditches but I'm confident we'll work through that this winter. Danielle and Ash earned the 6th place ribbon with solid jumping rounds. This was to be Cooper's first Training level and while we had some great moments, it wasn't our weekend. We took off long to a big table and Cooper didn't have quite enough in him to clear it cleanly, knocking me out of the tack. I couldn't be happier with his stadium performance, as he put in a double clear round in the ring and he tried so hard in everything I asked of him. Falling off is part of the game. We'll get there next time.

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