Sunday, August 12, 2007

Woodside Success!
A HUGE congratulations to the big winners, Julie and Claire, who both finished on their dressage scores, winning their divisions! Julie rode Cooper superbly in his first ever event, and Claire and Caz put in their best rides ever, remaining calm and THINKING throughout the WHOLE weekend =) This was Masha’s first Novice level event and she piloted Sly around like a champ and earned 6th place (green IS Sly’s favorite color after all). Chloe and Nipper did so well in dressage and stadium but had a disappointing stop on x-c, resulting in an unplanned dismount. Chloe was a true star as she got back on to finish the rest of the course beautifully. I am really proud of how well she handled her disappointment, cheering her teammates on and most of all for picking herself up and getting back on.

And finally, Cash N Diamonds…he’s become a jumping machine. Brave at all the jumps he went clean yet again earning us 2nd Place! Thank you Gill for letting me ride your big boy, he’s so much fun and he really does make my butt look small =)

It was such a wonderful weekend! ALL the horses and riders were great, not just in one area, but at everything. I am proud of the whole group and am so lucky to have such wonderful friends, family, and clients! Thank you Julie and Avery for all your hard work.

You’re all awesome!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah! Go THF, you all rock! And remember anythinjg can happen (the lesson I learned this weekend) hope to everyone at the next woodside!