General Updates...Just a few quick notes on the happenings at Tally Ho Farms. Spring is well under way and while rain is in the forecast for tomorrow, it's already May and the Woodside Horse Trials are just around the corner.
THF took a trip the first weekend in May to Twin Rivers for a hunter/jumper show on Saturday, followed by x-c schooling on Sunday. All the horses and riders were great and there are plenty of pictures and videos posted on the Facebook page, be sure to check it out!
3 THF riders are entered in the Woodside HT, Inavale is less than a month after that, followed by Montana! I don't know where the time goes but I am excited about the new group of horses and riders and there is more in the works...
If anyone is looking for lessons, training, needs horses ridden, conditioned, you name it, contact me.
Enjoy the sun!